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City: -94.566 Missouri, United States
This book is written so that you can start with no knowledge and build a very functioning database quickly. The layout allows you to review just the section you need help with and come with a web link for sample databases used in the book.
book came in great condition since i bought it new but it didn't come with an access code. wish i would've paid attention to one of the previous reviews. Now i cant do the extra credit work i wanted to do. this is the only reason im giving it a one star
I received an advance reader's copy of this book from Librarything's Early Reviewers program in exchange for a review.
I love this bra! I first found it in JC Penny's but only bought two, and when I went back to buy a couple more I couldn't find any in my size and color so I went online. It sure was good to find them on Amazon. Now I have to admit part of its appeal is that it fits me, and since I'm rather small that is sometimes tough, especially when I don't want to be squished smaller. This bra has a bit of padding to make me look good, but not enough to get scrunched up after being washed. It also doesn't have enough to qualify as one of those "be a size larger!" bras, which I personally find a little embarrasing. The lace provides a feminine look (so its not the bra equivalent of granny panties), but its not sheer and not especially sexy...just a comfortable, everyday bra. I can highly recomment it for anyone small or average size, however if you're large and past the perky stage it my not provide a lot of support - there are no underwires (which I'm always afraid will set off airport security alarms; although they haven't yet).