www.sprinttrial.org Review:

sprint - SPRINT is a two-arm, multicenter, randomized clinical trial designed to test whether a treatment program aimed at reducing systolic blood pressure to a lower goal than currently recommended will reduce cardiovascular disease risk.

Country:, North America, US

City: -80.2073 North Carolina, United States

  • Michael - Love them!!

    I love reading short stories since I am not a big reader. You get to read the whole story in one setting which is how I like to read stories. I have collect from 1990 to 2013 all The Best American Essays and Short Stories and very much enjoy them.

  • snuka - Xanax

    Oh how i wish they would write just a few songs that sound somewhat like anything from the first 2 albums...is this album even considered rock music ? A few spins and nothing grabbed me and it disappears into my music library...sorry, I just miss the upbeat songs.

  • John Tilelli MD - Good idea, nice implementation. One killer problem.

    Bought this with high hopes. Setup was pretty easy. Range is kinda short, like, If you left your keys in the bedroom you probably could find them from the living room. Gives you a warning if you are getting out of range. Here's the problem and its a killer. The battery only lasts for 2 or 3 days. I got my pack with a spare battery and it ran out like overnight, so I installed the spare and it ran out in 2 days. I bought some a pack of spares thinking that maybe the batteries in the pack were old. Nope, died in 3 days. The form is nice, the software is pretty good, but the problems with battery life are a deal-breaker.

  • Paula Martin - A Good Compilation

    This is my second Warped Tour CD, and I enjoyed a lot of the songs. I know from past experience with the groups on this tour that there will be what I call "screamo" songs on the CD that I'm not really into, but they've done a nice job of bunching them together on the CD, so I can skip over them quickly. This year's CD seems to be grouped nicely into different genres -- punk, rock, and there's also a couple of good electronic songs and even, surprise, a couple of "pop"-style songs. I'm no music expert, but I'd say that they've done a great job with this double CD. It's a good way to get introduced to some new and upcoming bands and check out some very good music that you won't hear on the radio. I already have a number of favorites that will definitely make their way onto my iPod. I recommend you try it - you'll surely find something you like out of @ 50 songs.

  • ECast - The box is excellent, like I said, but buy a separate controller if you want to work this thing accurately

    It's a solid product. Right out-the-box... a very pro looking box. It comes with simple instructions that work. The setup is easy, as long as you follow the instructions, you won't have a problem. Everything I've tried works without a hitch and no buffering issues whatsoever. We tried our android games purchased from Google play and Amazon and they work well with our wireless controller.

  • Ronald J Garling - Excellent vehicle.

    This has been an outstanding vehicle. I have had no problems with this car. It rides very well and gets great gas mileage. The only costs have been normal maintenance. I have over 89,000 miles on it.