www.gene-watson.com Review:

Gene Watson Fan Site - Welcome - The Gene Watson Site presents complete Gene Watson information, including News, Discography, Tour Dates, Photos, Biography and more.

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  • shascents - Didn't help me..

    I used this in addition to working out 6 times a week. A girl at my gym swore by it so I bought it. I used it regularly as directed and never saw results. Unfortunate because I had high hopes for this product..

  • Christopher Stephens - its like a VIRUS itself

    I bought a new computer and thought it came with antivirus installed. I was wrong so I bought webroot. though I don't seem to have gotten any new viruses so far, It was unable to "clean up" the existing viruses and I had to take it into the shop to get that taken care of. It also adds a desktop icon EVERY single time the computer starts up. I clicked that I didn't want a desktop icon, I delete it every time, yet every time there it is again... its like a VIRUS itself!!! Gah!

  • Dmacfour - five star product..

    I don't know what to say. I don't what I should say. They could track my review to me. Let's just say it's a good product. A good product. Yes. Five stars.

  • Phazie - Outlook 2010 - No advantage to previous outlook.

    Outlook is a great email program. Unfortunately, 2010 is difficult to set up with some service providers. I can't say that it is a problem with Microsoft or the provider but since I have had 2 different providers, it would seem that it is in the software from Microsoft. Still, I like this software since it is easier to use than other web-based email programs. Being able to have a contact list with details and notes is a plus. Three stars because of difficulty in getting it to work initially and because of the cost to purchase when the added features do not add any advantage in using the program.

  • Sonya W. - Terrific hood for a terrific price

    After one year this hood has done great. We purchased it for our kitchen remodel after we noticed how horrible the microwave does ventilating anything. We removed the microwave and the cabinet it was attached to and installed this hood. It was easy to install and looks great. Now we have that high-end look without the price!! Out first hood had some scratches on it when we took it out of the packaging and the company kindly sent us a replacement without any problems.

  • Anon - Thought it was wacky, now we love it.

    Hubby & I both love this floss. He made so much fun of me when it first arrived, but now he is a convert. It's so much thicker than regular floss, and the coating is just the right amount of sticky to help it stick to your fingers, unlike plastic floss that just slides through. We got the mint. I can't say it's strongly mint-flavored, it's kind of nothing. But whatever - our previous floss wasn't flavored either. It is a little more expensive than regular floss, but I just make sure to bring my coffee from home for a couple of days & figure I've saved the difference. I also appreciate that it comes in a minimalist, cardboard mailer, so it doesn't waste a whole lot of packaging material (full disclosure: I get mine directly through the cocofloss website, not on Amazon, so your mileage may vary on the packaging).

  • Robert Daughtrey - Fits well

    Fits to the size of gold emblem with no timing. I wa not sure it was gonna stick but so far so good.