www.earlynaija.com Review:

EarlyNaija.com - News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*

Country:, Europe, RO

City: 21.2272 Judetul Timis, Romania

  • C. Daniel - This should come with an eye irritation warning

    I couldn’t make it a full two weeks to even see if any results occurred. I applied it on both upper and lower and I kept getting it in my eyes. It burns for several minutes and causes redness and watering. I think my biggest issue was the little brush. If it had a different type of applicator, it might have been easier to keep out of my eyes. This should come with a warning about getting it in the eyes.

  • Kaitlyn Ford - Obsessed!

    I am SO in love with this! I love the size- plenty of room to write events/reminders without having to cram anything in. Fun and colorful, and not to mention, has super cute stickers! I highly recommend this, you won't be disappointed!

  • Kim Jones - I am very disappointed with this product

    I am very disappointed with this product. I did a great deal of research, watched a video, purchased the product, received product and experienced the following.

  • Kevnbro - Ticks Abound!

    I suppose customers who gave 5 stars for this product either have few ticks in their yards or none at all. Those of us living near tick infested woods however don't seem to be too terribly impressed with Bayer's new product. Our Australian Shepherd is covered with ticks daily even though he's been wearing his Seresto collar (we paid close to 80 bucks for) for close to a month. Almost a month in and we're already back to a topical tick treatment. I'd like my money back please.

  • Iris - Half of what it used to be!

    I was alarmed to discover that the calendar was only printed on one side. I thought i had been gypped by a knock-off imitation. Over the past several years I have really enjoyed the extra feature on the back of each cartoon. I checked the reviews and saw that other people were commenting about this, so I realised then that they have just done away with it this year -- cutbacks, I suppose. I love the cartoons (well, not all of them), but I really miss the "bonus" -- please bring it back!! I would seriously consider trying another calendar next year if this extra material is not restored, as for me the value of it has plummeted.

  • Nikki Trost - Good for most things, did not excel at seeds in smoothies

    It blends stuff. I guess thats ok. I just got rid of this and bought a blendtec instead today. I am sick of chewing my kale and having raspberry and chia seeds stuck in my teeth. Making nut butter in this does not seem possible. Its way better than a cheap blender, thats for sure. I just prefer to have a high quality smoothie in 30 seconds, I'm so needy I know. If you don't use tough ingredients this will be fine. I personally have had to chew any smoothie with thicker ingredients. Citrus fibers, seeds, kale, broccoli, EVEN BLUEBERRY SKINS, get stuck on the blades and don't get processed all the way or just end up untouched in the final product despite long blending. It will make bangin margaritas though. Cheap blenders are $20, and can't compare with this. Top notch blenders are $300-500, and also can't compare with this.

  • J.B.S. - Good unit for the price.

    No real problems. Heats up well and does its thing. Can boil water. And bet it will fry a burger in a pan. Holds heat a long time as the element is heavy cast. So it will be hot after shutting it off for quite a while.