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  • Garik Avetisyan - online CAT exams

    I was not able to activate my online CAT exams , it was saying that the offer is not valid any more.

  • Lohman - Bad customer service - misleading or hiding information

    The product that I bought cannot work with my TV. Although my TV series is listed as compatible, there is still difference by country. Unfortunately this information is not made known to me when I purchased this product. I only get to know about this info when I called SAMSUNG support.

  • R. Burroughs - Perfect fit. Really a nice product

    Perfect fit. Really a nice product. Will most likely not have to remove them during vacuuming since they cover so well.

  • Amazon customer - True to the first movie

    great visuals serious situations but always interrupted with jokes or semi funny words and what not. This movie my not be great but it definitely followed the first films corniness with serious combination making for a so so movie again .. in my opinion if these two movies part one and 2 kept it a serious alien attack movie leaving out the funny stuff it would scary cause honestly the aliens and there ships are amazing

  • C. Adams - So far so good!

    We bought a Gazelle 3 days ago and I've used it twice. So far I like it a lot. I've done 20 minutes each time and have worked up a sweat, so I figure it's better than sitting in front of the TV while it's too snowy & cold outside (northern Minnesota!) to walk or bike. It's a reasonably priced exercise item that we won't feel guilty about not using if it comes to that!! I have a feeling, though, that it will get used....and willingly!

  • Rusty Legaspi - So far so good. I really noticed the difference just on using ...

    This is the first beard oil that I've tried. So far so good. I really noticed the difference just on using it the second day. It was softer and more manageable. I have about 2 inches of beard and I use 2 drops everyday after shower. It is organic and very affordable that's why I tried this brand. I would want to try other brands just to see the difference, but till I see a less priced oil, I'm sticking to this one.