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  • Alex - hidden leak fixer

    I had a slow leak in my 15000 gal in ground concrete pool. I checked the skimmer and pool light area for the leak. Decided to delay calling pool professional after reading the reviews on Fix-A-Leak. Purchased the 32 oz. bottle. Bypassed the DE filter. Started the pump and poured the contents into the skimmer. Ran the pump for 24 hrs. Besides using the pool brush, to keep the Fix-A-Leak off the pool bottom, I ran my Dolphin Premier pool cleaner (removed the filter) until 11 PM. In the morning turned the pump off for 24 hrs. The water level has remained constant for 5 days, except for evaporation. Have to assume the leak is sealed, hope it is a permanent seal. Highly recommend this product.

  • Shelley lopez - What in the name of John Wayne's ass....

    Oh hell, where do I begin...This shiz right here does not work as advertised, it's 1000000000x more powerful than anything you could imagine. It seriously man-handles your senses. I used it around a bunch of Soldiers and even these resilient creatures could not keep their wits about them. PLEASE...for the love of all that is decent, heed the warnings from the reviewers. This stuff can/will get you arrested for attempted terrorism or maybe even murder. I cannot explain the smell, it's like trying to explain an orgasm to a're just not going to understand until your olfactory system gets a prison beat down from this amazing product. This is the most mind destroying spray out there. You have been warned.

  • Kindle Customer - Great book

    This was a wonderful series I hate to see it end but all good things must come to an end the suspense and drama were worth the wait though