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City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • Master - At Last!

    I've been needing a portable solar panel like this for some time. It charges my iPhone, Rock Out speakers, and AA batteries (for GPS/2way Radios). Perfect for the pool and camping!

  • Amazon Customer - totally blown away

    VR is the future and this is the first major step to mass marketability. I'm surprised at how immersive of an experience PSVR is. Rush of blood scared me like no real haunted house ever has. London Heist was extremely fun and satisfying and then theres Arkham VR where you get to be Batman! Even though there were some slight calibration issues at times that took away a little from the immersion, I'm very impressed with what Sony was able to deliver.

  • Leslie - Works fine

    I bought this for my sister a month ago. It works fine. The only issue is the part with the gauge which is to be connected to the compressor keeps rotating (about 90* or a little over) when the compressor is turned on. Getting it to stay rigid with the use of the thread seal is a drag

  • KaraKartal - Great activity tracker and coach if you are not looking for step tracking.

    ActivityTracking: Moov Now has a little bit unusual way of tracking activity. It looks for a certain threshold and if you cross that threshold than it counts it as active minutes. App tells you that you need to be active at least 30 minutes a day. So, it motivates you to do a 30 minute walk outside during your lunch break or do some exercise. Walking around the office or house doesn’t cross the threshold so moov pushes you to do more. So, it is keeping track of how much exercise you do throughout the day. But I would like to also see how many steps I walked like fitbit and have idle alerts like jawbone to motivate me to get up more from my chair. It would have been great if the small battery indicator led light started blinking if you were sitting idle too long for instance. Idle alert should be such an easy thing to implement I don’t know why moov doesn’t put that feature. So, basically moov motivates me do more exercise but it doesn’t motivate me to get off my desk if I was idle too long.

  • Donald S. Cooper - does not work

    There is no medicine in the product. don't waste your money! I was ripped off! Next time i compare products better.

  • Mona - Very Nice

    I've been using this creme, along with Avalon's milk cleanser, for 3 years. A little goes a long way. Pleasant smell, lovely texture. Will not make you look 25 years younger - wear your wrinkles proudly!