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  • barbie nemeth - Perfect for airbrushing clients or numerous people in 1 day.

    Hey, ladies and gents! There's been a lot of interest in airbrushing lately, and there also seems to be a pretty distinct lack of good information on the subject that doesn't come from one of the companies producing/selling the machines or foundations. While the reviews and tutorials from bloggers like xSparkage do provide a lot of great information about the differences between all the consumer-grade machines available, none of them really give you the airbrush basics beyond how to use the machine. I had to dig pretty deep into YouTube and the ModelMayhem forums to find answers to some issues and questions I had, so to make everything easier for you, here's my review of the Dinair Personal/Pro kit and answers to questions that SHOULD be answered on the manufacturer's site, but aren't. A lot of this information will apply broadly to any airbrush system, not just Dinair's.

  • Karjiana - A funny and uniquepage turner

    I found the story being told from so many angles interesting and helped me understand each character better. There's a little romance, but not the corny kind. It can be funny and make you want to cry. It is a true page turner, I was always wondering what would happen next.If you like sorcery and fantasy books, then you'll like this book.

  • las2381 - Love thie stroller

    Love thie stroller. My only complaint is that when you are going up multiple steps, the position of the brakes on the wheels gets pushed. So the wheels will lock making it difficult to pull the stroller up steps with your child in it. Not a problem for most people but being in NYC surprisingly you go up and down steps more than you think. Also the closure triggers stick. This stroller does not close very easily and can't really be done while holding your child.

  • MK717 - Great case with serious protection

    Love it, perfect. Fast delivery, exactly what I wanted. Not a thick case, not too heavy. But solid protection all around. Easy to put the case on the phone, and fits like a glove. Trust in Otterbox (though the price is steep).