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Country:, North America, US

City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • Amazon Customer - Third Watch:A Tracy Crosswhite Short Story

    I LIKE this author very much. There does not seem to be low spots or lulls with his story line. I have only read one of his books and one short story and he has me hooked already.

  • Sandra Hollinhead - Over 40 & this product has definitely helped me.

    I was a bit skeptical about taking a supplement for brain boosting...but I'm glad I did. I've been taking Masterbrain for 2 weeks now and I've noticed several changes. First thing is I feel like I have more energy during the day...I don't know if that is one of its known side effects...but I like it. Second, I definitely feel like I'm sleeping better at night. The box doesn't say that the PM dose is a sleeping pill, but it helps me to sleep very soundly. Thirdly, I've had issues remembering little things lately & I have to make notes for myself. I just figured it was part of the aging process...I am over 40 now. Anyway, I was paying my bills online this past weekend and I needed to enter my routing/account numbers...and I did it from memory! I didn't even realize I knew them...I was just typing in the numbers. I went back to my checkbook to check...and I was correct with what I had written. Needless to say...I am sold on this product!

  • stvmrtn - Can You Hear Me Now? . . . NOT!

    While this antenna does have a better appearance than the standard OEM antenna, it doesn't meet the purpose for which it is installed - reception is all but non existent. All stations, even those with close by transmission antennas fade in and out constantly. Would not recommend this product.

  • Kimberly Stevens - I was happy with my purchase

    This book was smaller than I had pictured.. though that isn't a problem in any way! I was happy with my purchase! My 9 year old coin collector will be as well!

  • Susan D. Haas - If you don't need to upgrade - don't

    2013 is the worst - nothng but problems with refreshing client's older versions, can't change the background color, icons on the tool bar sometime show up and sometimes don't - this is the worst upgrade ever.