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The basic quality of bags is fairly good. The little blue zip device is kind of useless so don’t be upset when it comes off. They are easy enough to seal by hand. Just as an experiment I decided to seal a yarn afghan. The pump pulls all the air out easily enough and sealing back the port is done without any air going back in. My problem is that the very first bag slowly lost its vacuum in a few hours. I did the process again and the same results happened overnight. Maybe it’s because I had pulled it into a rock hard lump. The other bags held up fine, but I didn’t pull quite as hard of a vacuum.
This is no cure for my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, but IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT HELPS ME! You have no idea the thousands and thousands of dollars I have spent over the last 7 years trying to get well. Doctors were no help at all. I have tried just about every herb and product on the market seeing absolutely no results at all. Finally, I discovered Serrapeptase and I have gotten part of my life back again. Using serrapeptase I feel better, have more energy, and can actually exercise a little bit now. I am also noticeably happier when taking serrapeptase. I initially tried this together with nattokynase and feel the serrapeptase is what really helps me. Nattokynase does not help me as much. I actually feel better just taking the serrapeptase. Absolutely no negative side effects at all with this product. Highly recommended.
Only temporary protection, had to purchase another program with it. But I refuse to purchase the other security !