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Country:, North America, US

City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • Danyel C. Gimeno - Love these little guys

    Love these little guys! It's fantastic for getting rid of the peach fuzz on my cheeks and chin (THANKS DAD), plus it does great things for upping the cellular reproduction on my face. Ladies, this is why men age so much better than women - they shave their face! Every time they do, they remove the outer most layer of skin, forcing the skin to reproduce faster for protection.

  • Jennifer - Perfect if you want to die.

    It felt like my intestines were trying desperately to escape from my body and strangle me to death. I can't imagine why these are still on the market.

  • Mark F. - After reading installation reviews it couldn't have been easier.

    Very fast shipping and product was just as advertised. Having read many of the installation reviews here, I was prepared for how to do it correctly.

  • llponce - Home Designer Suite 2014

    We are buying our century old home and want to see how we can make the best updates that complement it's architecture.

  • Kindle Customer - baby wash

    Love this stuff, works great and really calms my son down before bed. Works very well to clear up baby acne.

  • Paula Ashley - The timing stinks!

    I ordered this at the same time as Brunner & Suddarth from a different seller and this book took 9 days longer to reach me! It is a much smaller book so I assumed it would arrive first, I was mistaken. The advertisement was dead on it is in great shape but it came AFTER I finished my clinical rotation.I am not sure if I would buy from this seller again unless I had unlimited time to wait.