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  • ChristopherBear - The constant revenue stream continues

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  • dannyzee - 2013 honda CRV crossbars.

    Items arrived in less than a week after ordering. Installed them in about 10-15mins. Screws supplied were phillips head not torx. Forward crossbar is wider than rear one so after a quick measure, got ready to install. Rear screw holes were a bit off, so I swung the rear one 180 deg. and they lined up perfectly.

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    Having been (and still am) a DIY enthusiast for decades, I began using Broderbund's Interior Design software way back in 1995, loved it, and a couple of years later I came across Punch design software. It did an admirable job, and I continued with their software up until my very recent download of Chief Architect Suite 2014. (As an aside, I also want to state here that I have used AutoCad/Mechanical Desktop for mechanical engineering design work for years too, but obviously that software could only be used at work!)