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  • Marty - Didn't work for me but still quality product

    I discovered that some people have enzymes in their liver that cause products such as this to metabolize too quickly and thus do not provide relief. I am one of those people. I took as many as 8 of these with no effect to my anxiety. The product was quality, it just does not work for everyone is all.

  • rramstad - Parent of a test taker

    I think it's an accurate assumption that we parents are typically the buyers of these kinds of books, and that when we hand our kids the telephone book sized prep books we've purchased the kids are hardly pleased. What a surprise it was when this book came to my house. Don't get me wrong, this is not a small book, but it has a more manageable feel and it didn't cause my son to run screaming from the room. That's already a good start from my perspective. That said, the proof is in the pudding.