www.sgg.si Review:

Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Slovenski gradbeni grozd je vaš partner za razvoj in inovacije na področju trajnostne gradnje, krožnega gospodarstva in energetsko učinkovitih stavb. 

  • http://www.sgg.si/kaj-je-grozd-in-zakaj-bi-se-vclanili-vanj/ Kaj je "grozd" in zakaj bi se včlanili vanj? - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Povezovanje poteka na osnovi skupnih interesov. Osnovna ideja povezovanja v grozd temelji na sodelovanju. 
  • http://www.sgg.si/kaj-omogoca-clanstvo-v-sgg/ Kaj omogoča članstvo v SGG? - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Članstvo v SGG omogoča razvojno sodelovanje, povezovanje in mreženje ter pridobivanje finančnih virov za razvoj.
  • http://www.sgg.si/zakaj-je-potrebno-inovirati/ Zakaj je potrebno inovirati? - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Odgovor je preprost: zato, ker želimo, da je naše podjetje uspešno! Pri tem vam lahko pomagamo.
  • http://www.sgg.si/literatura-o-industrijskih-grozdih/ Literatura o industrijskih grozdih - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Vaš partner za raziskave, razvoj in inovacije na področju trajnostne gradnje, krožnega gospodarstva in energetsko učinkovitih stavb.
  • http://www.sgg.si/projekti-2/ Projekti - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Sodelujemo v mednarodnih razvojno raziskovalnih projektih in to priložnost omogočamo tudi članom grozda.
  • http://www.sgg.si/mreza-nacionalnih-gradbenih-tehnoloskih-platform/ Mreža nacionalnih gradbenih tehnoloških platform - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Omrežje, v katerem sodelujejo tudi večji in vplivni predstavniki sektorja in veliko potencialnih partnerjev v EU projektih.
  • http://www.sgg.si/iniciativa-renovate-europe/ Renovate Europe - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Iniciativa za ambiciozen načrt kako potrojiti letno stopnjo prenove stavbnega fonda EU iz trenutne stopnje 1% do 3 % do leta 2020.
  • http://www.sgg.si/uporabni-dokumenti/ Uporabni dokumenti - Slovenski gradbeni grozd - Priročniki, navodila in drugi dokumenti, ki vam lahko koristijo pri vašem delu na področju trajnostne gradnje in krožnega gospodarstva.

    Country:, Europe, SI

    City: 15 , Slovenia

  • Hemanth Akkiraju - Loved it and i will definitely get another soon

    I do not know if it is placebo or not. But i can tell you that all my lifts went up my atleast 30 pounds within the first one month on this. My recovery was phenomenal. I was able to lift big and hit the target muscle group twice in the same month. Visible difference in the overall body composition. Loved it and i will definitely get another soon.

  • Keedee - I Wouldn't...

    Although this product said it would work with Windows 7, it actually was had to install and had to be treated as if it were an earlier version in order to finish the process. It stalls a lot with Windows 8.1.

  • mj1henry87 - Better than expected

    The reviews i found on on this site were... less than ideal, however, I decided to bite the bullet and try it anyway. I found that it was fairly simple to get it up and running using quick books point of sale. The biggest problem i had with this printer is figuring out how to install the paper. If you are even remotely computer savvy, you shouldn't have much problems with this.

  • MHMich - It works!

    I have been using this for almost 2 months. I am definitely noticing a healthy nail grow back. I use tea-tree oil in the morning and this every night. So far so good! I just ordered a new tube. The 1st tube lasted over 2 months. I am using it on my toe-nail. Growing a healthy nail back has been a slow process but it is growing back healthy!

  • smtwny - Useful as part of a larger weight loss plan

    I started the RealDose weight loss formula supplement about a month ago. I have been on a weight loss journey for the past 3 years with over 100 pounds to lose. I have followed a low carbohydrate plan with good success but still struggled at times with adherence to plan.

  • Tradersuzy - Not Effective

    This item did not deliver. I sprayed it on my entire driveway to remove mold and mildew. It has been six months since I sprayed and I see absolutely no difference in the condition of my driveway. It is also very expensive.

  • Eric J - Very Buggy - Feels Like a Beta Program

    I have been using Quickbooks on Mac since 2010, and now on 2011. I read all the bad reviews, and decided that because I am 100% a Mac user that I would just bite the bullet and use it anyway. I use it for a consulting and reseller business, so I utilize most of the functions like sales receipts, purchase orders, inventory, etc. The only features I don't use are Time Tracking and Payroll.