www.lansingsurgerycenter.com Review:

Lansing & Genesis Surgery Centers - Lansing Surgery Center and Genesis Surgery Center have been providing a cost-effective option for health-care excellence in the Greater Lansing area since 1996.

Country:, North America, US

City: -84.636 Michigan, United States

  • Vin Z - Nice, but there are better

    It really could use a display that is always on (you have to tap it for it to show what percentage (each LED represents 20%) of your daily step goal you have achieved). Also, it occasionally goes into "Sleep" mode when shaken vigorously when drying hands after washing, but is easy to recover to normal mode. Charging it every 5 days is a pain since you may be out and about when it quits due to low battery. The iPhone app and PC software with activity tracker are great. Subsequently, I bought a Garmin Vivofit which combines pedometer, heart monitor (with strap) since I do a lot of stationary bike work with no arm movement, and watch into one device with a continuous digital display and year long battery life. I like it better. I gave the Fitbit to my wife to try.

  • L. West - OK, but could be better

    Bought this to replace an old corded version of the same product that gave years of great service before giving up the ghost.

  • K. Wilcox - not that great.

    I liked 2010 Big Game Hunter much better than this new one. In 2010 the animals hide behind natural (trees or brush) & in the 2012 they used hunting blinds. The 2012 also loaded too slowly.