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Country:, North America, CA
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Very impressed with the Tournament Pro, I really did not care for the classic ergo as I have always used ambi mice, The Tournament Pro build Quality is very good, not a single issue with mine, clicks are some of the best I have ever felt, love the coating on the mouse. Shape is about perfect for my 19.5x11 cm hands feels very good,fast and accurate. All around one of the best if not the best mouse I have owned and I have owned just about all the top mice.
The BAM HD antenna exceeded my expectations. I ordered this to put on a bedroom TV that isn't attached to cable so I could supplement Roku streaming with local channels. Not only does BAM pick up the handful of local broadcasts, it found a total of 40 channels. Of course, a few are just shopping channels and a few more aren't what I'd be interested in, but it's still a pretty amazing line-up considering they're all free.