
Stiri Stomatologice Stiri din Medicina Articole Medicina Dentara - Pagina prezinta o serie de stiri din domeniul medical si stomatologic. Gasesti stiri stomatologice si articole din medicina dentara grupate pe categorii.

  • Noutati la Crystal Dental Clinic - Inhalosedarea - Noutati la Crystal Dental Clinic - Inhalosedarea. Scopul acestei tehnici este de a obţine un pacient relaxat, în condiţii de confort pe scaunul stomatologic şi pentru care tratamentul stomatologic
  • Stiri Stomatologie - Pagina prezinta o lista cu articole si stiri din stomatologie (medicina dentara).
  • Detartraj, tratamente de detartraj - Detartraj, tratamente de detartraj. Tratamentul de detartraj presupune indepartarea profesionala a depozitelor de tartru si de placa bacteriana de pe suprafata dintilor, ce nu pot fi eliminate la domiciliu, nici chiar cu o igiena orala foarte minutioasa.
  • Nou in Romania – aparatul Freecorder - Nou in Romania – aparatul Freecorder. Uneori, durerile inexplicabile de cap pot proveni dintr-o ocluzie (muscatura maxilar/mandibula) defectuoasa. Prin simple masuratori (digitale) ale ocluziei efectuate cu aparatul Blue Fox si realizarea unei gutiere de
  • ALIMENTE “RELE” PENTRU DANTURA - ALIMENTE “RELE” PENTRU DANTURA Cand vine vorba despre sanatatea danturii, alimentele si bautura consumate au un rol esential, cel mai mare inamic al dintilor fiind atacul acid, care vine mai ales din produsele bogate in zahar.
  • DE CE SUNT ASA DIFERITE PRETURILE PENTRU IMPLANTUL DENTAR? - DE CE SUNT ASA DIFERITE PRETURILE PENTRU IMPLANTUL DENTAR? Implanturile reprezinta intr-adevar solutia ideala pentru a inlocui unul sau mai multi dinti lipsa.
  • Tratamentul cariilor, estetica dentara, albire dentara, tratamente de endodontie - Tratamentul cariilor. Tratamentul cariilor sau endotontic consta in indepartarea tesutului nervos de la nivelul coroanei dentare, precum si de la nivelul radacinilor.

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • NELSON B. - Is 2012 the End of Times?

    Find out great insite on the End of Times from this author. If you are wondering if the Myan Calender ending in 2012 is the prodiction of the End of this World you can have a better understanding and can make your own judgement from reading this book. Great buy from Delivers quickly, great price and in great condition.

  • Angelinapar - Great product for a small price.

    Works great, the software setup can be a little tricky on Windows XP but reading the reviews I found all the help.

  • Cheryl A. - Help for the dirtiest family in the world!

    I think I read every review on Amazon and WalMart before I bought this sucker yesterday! The problem with most bagless vacs seems to be that the dust filters clog up quickly and greatly reduce the suction force available. Further, I priced those filters at WalMart yesterday and the range seems to be $8-$18- surely I will save enough over the lifetime of this vacuum to compensate.

  • cosmojuno - Great product- no drop in blood sugar levels

    I think this is a great product for many reasons. It is one of the more natural meal replacement/protein shakes, I haven't experienced a dive in blood sugar levels which usually leads to light-headedness or hypoglycemia, it gives me energy to exercise and live like a human being, not a hungry zombie, and doesn't taste sugary or sweet.

  • D. Aguirre - Just go buy one already!

    Let me say first that I am familiar with the Google OS, Drive, Chrome etc. I was looking for an alternative to Windows( which I loathe) and started looking into Chromebooks. After two weeks using this device, I can safely say that I LOVE IT! To put it simply, it just works! I have added the things I use in windows or my Samsung tablet( which is collecting dust).I have added my VPN, easy, just follow the instructions from your VPN for Chromebook. I've hooked up my printer through Google Print. I have also hooked up external drive with movies that I watch through the VLC app. Amazon movies, Netflix, and of course YouTube, which is a built-in app.

  • kgetch - Great antenna

    This antenna has a great build quality, looks good and the Ford Explorer will now fit into the garage without any issues.

  • Peter Batemon - It's Good This Sucks! :D

    Got this to use with our daughter when she eventually is born, but my wife (who has horrible sinus problems even when she isn't 9 months pregnant and retaining fluid) decided to try it out. She absolutely loves it. It doesn't seem too forceful unless you throw all caution to the wind and just leave it in your nostril too long-- something she sadly learned one night when she kept using it, not realizing her congestion was just that-- congestion from retained fluid, and not any sort of additional mucous. She basically was like a teenager who uses the vacuum to fake hickies, but instead of hickies on her neck, she had them on her right-side sinuses. Ouch. She learned her lesson, and still loves it after her sinuses healed after a day or two. She still uses it when she knows she is congested by stuff that isn't attached permanently.