Review: Frame RENTAL. Фотопрокат в Киеве. Аренда и прокат фототехники, видеотехники, объективов и фотоаппаратов. - Удобный прокат фото- видеотехники Frame RENTAL. Мы сдаем в аренду фотоаппараты Canon и Nikon, объективы Canon и Nikon, вспышки Canon и Nikon, занимаемся арендой звукового оборудования, cдаем напрокат кинокамеры Blackmagic и предлагаем в зять в аренду экшнкамеры GoPro и аксессуары ГоуПро напрокат.

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  • Amazon Customer - Works better than tampons and pads just pop it in

    Works better than tampons and pads just pop it in. It's like I'm not even on my period. The first time I had a bit of leakage, but after the second time I got a little more comfortable and haven't had any problems.

  • ali192 - No longer the show we all love

    Been a fan since day 1,but Season 7 premiere will be the last time I watch. It's not because of main characters dying off, it's the sheer distasteful horror that was almost like a serial killer who got off on some type of canabelism. The writers crossed a line that they cannot come back from, and not in a good way. Just watch, this will be the end of this show