
NutrascienceUSA Home - NutraScienceUSA provides the most up to date natural and nutritional health information regarding holistic approaches to diet, lifestyle, exercise, nutrients, and spiritual wellness. My goal is to assist and motivate the reader to achieve optimal health. | Powered by liveSite @

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  •[8] DIMINISH HEART DISEASE WITH VITAMIN D & Other Natural Interventions. - DIMINISH HEART DISEASE WITH VITAMIN D & Other Natural Interventions. | Powered by liveSite @
  •[7] Feds keeping people sick: The Vitamin D story - n light of my recent newsletter on vitamin D therapy and cancer, I thought this riveting article by Dr. Lee Hieb, M.D., would be instructive and enlightening. | Powered by liveSite @
  •[6] TRANS-PALMITOLEIC ACID, FULL-FAT DAIRY IS GOOD FOR YOU – LOWERS INCIDENCE OF DIABETES BY 62%! - Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health have identified a natural substance in dairy fat that substantially reduces the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 62%. Trans-palmitoleic acid, a rare fatty acid, is found almost exclusively in milk, cheese, yogur | Powered by liveSite @
  •[5] PREPARING FOR THE FLU SEASON, WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE FLU SHOT by Patrick Moore, N.D., M.S. - If you decide to get the flu shot, keep this advice in mind: Insist on being vaccinated from a “single dose vial.” Flu shots come in multi-dose vials and single-dose vials. Multi-dose vials are preserved with 25mcg of Mercury, a neurotoxin. | Powered by liveSite @
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  • Astoria - I found out about these bad boys and did some research and quickly bought a ...

    Okayyyyy, so I recently bought a pack from Walmart for 5$ and some change and I am impressed!!!! I don't currently have a cycle but I recently stopped using birth control and have been spotting for about a month. I found out that l could spot for up to 5 months and was really upset about that because I don't want to not have sex for 5 whole months. I found out about these bad boys and did some research and quickly bought a box. LET ME TELL YOU, it's true, they are comfortable and it is mess free while having sex and you don't feel them during intercourse either!!!! I felt compelled to write this review soon after a intamite night because I was nervous. Plus I've never used any sort of menstrual cup before. And it was like it wasn't even in there. 5 stars, 10/10, highly recommended. I saw some reviews were women said they had difficulties taking it out. I'm not sure why, but removal is easy and simple. Plus you can use them up to 12 hours. This is not a game. Ladies, you need these. Get you pack and prepare to forget about your period.

  • Dulce - Simply love it.

    Plenty of repetition and proper allocation of pictures. My son is dyslexic and this helped him separate words and enjoy. Love it.