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City: -94.566 Missouri, United States

  • r1d06 - Worth the read.

    Old age diseases now plaque the young despite multiple medical breakthroughs. Dr. Wallach's book helps to bring clarity to what one can do to achieve optimal health and forego the need for medications.

  • Marilor - Great for family meals

    I love this little chair! My 6 month old just started solids and instead of buying a high chair we opted for this chair. We like it because she can sit with us at the table and start to learn about family meals. It is really sturdy and I feel she is very safe in there. It was a but difficult to attach to our table because it has a pretty long skirt (2 inches long), but it fit! We have an oval table and it works fine on the curves too.

  • Amazon Customer - Love this Product

    This product is amazing. I been using it for 6 months now. I READ all those comments below and see clearly those people didn't consult there coach on how they were feeling because I can answer each issue I read as to what happened to make them feel a certain way. First off if you take any type of pills, you take with food or you may experience headache or nausea. Second it's not to expensive. You just don't havery or make enough money to get it. If you don't have 200.00 you can spend when u want, you need another career or some financial advice on managing your money. 3rd it's not a pyramid scheam, I was about to make 500 extra my first month helping my friends who experienced great results and 1000.00 the next month. You can't always listen to people.

  • Dave - great and fun and can save you over $100,000!

    Of all the standardized test prep series, I prefer Princeton Review and actually even enjoy them. They write with a sense of humor and most of their explanations on how to attack the problems and what the answers should be and why are generally excellent. I also recommend their SAT book. Also, the SAT is my test of choice as it is more fun and is the only one that can result in National Merit Scholar status which can result in scholarships amounting to over $100,000. Very worthwhile.

  • marygoldon - I love this treatment

    I love this treatment! Yes it's pricey but it is different and special. I first found it when I paid $50+ for a "heavy condition" treatment at Ulta Salon. A little went a long way, so I have bought for myself for yes I use a lot more. It is like wax that warms in your hands to melt n then your rub on hair n scalp. Was glad to find on Amazon. It is safety sealed under cap! It melts so keep it upright and in a cool place!