
Caudwell LymeCo Charity – "Health is a crown that the healthy wear, though only the sick can see it." Imam Shafi'i - How do you catch Lyme disease? The commonest way to catch Lyme disease is from a tick bite. Many people are unaware that they could catch Lyme disease just by sitting on the grass in their own garden, or even from playing with their pet indoors. Find out how to protect your family and pets…

  • How to protect your family and pets – Caudwell LymeCo Charity - This page explains the ways you or your family could catch Lyme disease, and how to minimise your risk from each of them. How do you catch Lyme disease? Lyme disease is proven to be transmitted by tick bites, congenitally from mother to child, and by blood transfusion. You cannot catch Lyme disease from normal…

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  • G. Mahoney - Toshiba CB35-C3300. First take AND Google Chrome-TAKE NOTE!

    Okay, here's a two day's in use snapshot of my take on things so far. Let me first begin by saying that I agonized over the decision to 1) buy this particular laptop, and 2) give a Chromebook a shot. I knew it was going to be a leap of faith abandoning my Microsoft heritage, and hopefully this helps some of you make an educated decision. Unlike many other reviews, I am a very capable user, and this was for me, not my daughter/mother/father. I still have my uber powerful desktop, as well as my wife's Acer budget laptop (full size) for comparison.

  • David Pouliot - Wow. Incredible writer

    I can not get enough of books written by Scott Pratt. I have now read 7 Joe Dillard's books and now this one. It's hard to put these books down. You want to read them in one gulp! Thank you Scott for writing these GREAT BOOKS!

  • Cheeks - Aborigine joke

    Aborigine feet is probably an accurate description of my feet. I saw many pics posted by other users and my feet would make their "before" pics look pretty. Dramatic results after the first use. After getting over the saw-mill type dust flying from my feet and the saw-like noise it made upon contact on my very thick/calloused, dry, cracked feet, they were smoother and the skin was more supple. Reading reviews from other postings that stated Amope did not work for them boggles my mind. I spent 10 minutes on each foot. I will follow with Kerasal foot cream (it's an exfoliant for feet, containing salicylic acid 5% and urea 10%) at night with socks then do another round with Amope. I think by then my feet will be in great shape.